Sunday, June 1, 2014

Jun 1st Addie Update

It is a good day :) she is looking better and better each day! She still has a fever but that is par for the course we are told. She likely has a viral infection and 5-6 days of a fever is normal. We thought for sure she would need a transfusion today but her blood work came back and her Hb stayed the same... Praise Jesus!! Her white count is slowly going up also :) now we just need her platelets to follow!! She is getting back to her spunky self and ordering Reed and I around again, that is our Addie Bean! Covenant has been wonderful, we feel so loved here and well taken care of by the nursing staff and our pediatrician! Praise Jesus again... There are good things happening, lots of them!! We just have to clear our minds and hearts to see them!!! Lots of love and a thankful heart to everyone!!! All of your kind messages and prayers make my heart smile!! ❤️

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