Saturday, June 21, 2014

Fever City

Well the fever is here! We got one extra day at home which we are very thankful!!  Addie started running a low grade fever around 8:10 last night and we were in Iowa City being admitted by 11:00.  She is feeling good, other than the fever.  Her spirits are good and she doesn't act or appear sick, praise Jesus!  Praying it is nothing and solely due to the fact her counts are low!
Please pray that she doesn't have any infections and that we will be out of here in three days!  That is the minimum amount of time for a fever!  To be discharged she will need to be fever free for 24 hours and have an ANC above 500, otherwise it will be a five or seven day stay! We need her healthy for her stem cell harvest this coming week !!
Prayers and lots of them please!!

Does this cutie pie look sick to you?! 

1 comment:

  1. Darn fevers! :( She doesn't look a bit under the weather. Mandie you look adorable as ever :) Take care of yourselves down there!!!
