Sunday, October 5, 2014

Mucositis Round 2

Addie started running a fever yesterday morning so we are currently at Covenant.  She definitely has another bad case of mucositis and the fever is likely due to the fact that her counts are obsolete!! Once her counts rise, her sores will go away and we will be home once again!!  She is such a tough little girl, makes my heart hurt to see her suffer like this but she is tolerating it like a champ... Like she always does!!  They are taking good care of us here at Covenant!! Praying for a speedy count recovery, no infections and home by Gracie's birthday on Wednesday!!  

Then we will head back to Iowa City on Thursday and Friday for tests and scans... Just want that to be over with!!  Please continue to pray for good news and good results!! 

Thanks everyone for your prayers!!!  Lots of Love!!

Even in pain she can still show us that sweet smile!!! You are precious Addie Lynn Brenden!


  1. Prayers for Addie and everyone involved! May God be with all of you!!! <3 and hugs for everyone!!!

  2. What a tough cookie!! Thinking of you guys and hoping you get to come home soon! She's a real sweetie and a fighter! 💪
