Monday, September 8, 2014


We said goodbye to Naughty Randall today... Now we are praying that someday very soon we can say goodbye to Neuroblastoma and have our baby girl free from all of this!! 

Surgery today went very well!! The surgeon said he had to look for the mass when he got in there... A drastic difference from the first time he saw it!! He was aggressive in the removal of the mass and felt that he was able to get most of it!! There was an area that went into her vertebral foramen that he wasn't able to aggressively remove for fear of damaging her spinal lining.  He took a biopsy of that area and said it could have just been normal nerve tissue.  We are praying that is the case!! She recovered from anesthesia very well, not angry and not sick!!! The instant we got to our room she wanted to eat and eat she did, NONSTOP until she fell asleep just now!!  So far her pain is being managed well with the pain meds, please pray that continues!  We will be here until at least Wednesday and then hopefully home for a few days to recover before her 6th round of chemotherapy!  

Please pray that her pain stays managed and that she doesn't get an infection!  Also please pray that her biopsies show that the tumor was dead and no active cancer cells were present!! 

We come to a crossroads very soon in her treatment! There is a lot of anxiety and fear in all of that but I am so thankful for today and having her primary tumor gone!! I am so thankful for the way she has responded to treatment and for how faithful Our Heavenly Father has been in all of this!!! Please God let her scans show that she is 95% cancer free, or better yet show no evidence of disease!! Please let us stay on protocol!!  Praise God for my sweet Addie Lynn, for her strength and her courage... She can beat this and we will rejoice in His name when she does!!! 

Thank you everyone for your continued support and prayers!

Patiently waiting... Glad to have my family with us for distraction and for good company!! Thankful that Grandma Carol and Grandpa Darwin were able to take care of everyone back home!!! Thank you Jesus for our amazing families!!!

One tough girl... We love you Addie Bean, keep fighting little sweetheart!!! 

Go Team Addie!