Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19th Addie Update

We didn't get the final diagnosis yet... Should come tomorrow! Addie had a bone scan today and it showed that she does have bone involvement! She woke up from sedation pretty angry this time and had the worse back pain we have seen... Morphine has worked its magic and she is comfortable once again! We want to thank everyone for the continual thoughts and prayers and all the wonderful messages we receive!! Please keep praying... One more night of prayers for NO n-myc amplification!! We met with the head of the pediatric oncology unit tonite and reed and I both got a sense of peace in the midst of all of this awful chaos!! He had so many positive things to say about Addie and about the treatment for Neuroblastoma itself, he said that all of the findings for Addie are actually what they expect to find with this specific cancer and they are prepared to do anything and everything they can to fight it!!! He said he has seen little ones just like Addie conquer this awful disease and look back at it all like it was just a bad dream!!! Praying praying praying with all our might that our Addie Bean will be her own statistic and breeze right through this cancer thing!!! She can do it... Please Jesus wrap your arms around my little girl and give her strength and courage to defeat this!!!