Monday, August 4, 2014

Praise Him

Praise The Lord... The repair worked :) and I got a, "I love you so much, mom!" They put her on a morphine drip and she is feeling so much better!! She has been awake since we got here, and for the last few hours hasn't complained of her throat or her tongue, thank you Jesus!! She has also been fever free!  She still won't eat or drink, so please continue to pray for that!! 

I ran into our surgeon in the hall who is a Godsend!!  He asked right away how Addie was doing!  I asked him if he had a chance to see her scans after round 2 and he hadn't, he sat down with me in the clinic and reviewed them!  It was the first time I saw them, I have been too scared to see them because I was so overwhelmed by diagnosis week!!  They were incredible, the difference is unbelievable!! So wonderful to see that, especially with the rough few days we have had!  He also spoke with me a bit about N-MYC, I can't say that I felt better about what he said but I definitely felt more informed and it didn't make me more scared!!  I don't think I will ever feel warm and fuzzy about that piece of her diagnosis or any part of her diagnosis for that matter!! But what I do feel good about is her response to treatment!!  I pray that this continues!!  Our surgeon said he saw a girl once go through treatment and her tumor never shrank, it just continued to grow, thank you Jesus for Addie's positive response to treatment and for doctors and researchers who specialize in this!! Just a few years ago there really would have been little hope of Addie surviving!! We still have a long haul but there is definitely more hope for recovery!!!  We all just need to have FAITH, the single most important factor in Addie's healing!!! 

She is currently getting a platelet transfusion.  Thank God for blood donations... Thank you to anyone who has done that!! I have never appreciated or realized how important that was until all of this!! One of the many things I now appreciate so much more!! Donate, Donate, Donate... It really does save lives!! 

Okay counts... Let's rise!!! 
Go Team Addie!!

Ambulance Ride

Crazy Monday morning... Yikes!!  Addie's line broke this morning following labs... I am pretty sure my blood pressure was at least 200/100!! It was scary, fortunately I am a quick responder and we got it clamped and had no issues!! However, we did have to take an ambulance ride to Iowa City to have the line repaired.  Addie did wonderful for the ride, slept most of the way!  Myself on the other hand, not so good... So car sick, thanks for that Mom!!  
They repaired her line, love you Mary, she is so incredible!  She is the central line nurse, specialized in all things central line!! We have to wait four hours to use her line and at the point we will be able to see if the repair worked.  If the repair doesn't work we will have to do surgery and have an entire new catheter placed! We would love to avoid this, please pray that the repair works and Addie will not need surgery!! Also please pray that this is the last repair we will have with her lines... They have been a bit finicky for her!!
Addie is still really sick, her throat continues to bother her and she is still running a low grade fever!  She has not eaten anything or really drank anything since Friday.  She is also a bit swollen around her eyes!! Please pray that the swelling is nothing and has nothing to do with her kidney function!  Also please pray that she begins to feel better and resumes eating and drinking!!
We are here in Iowa City until she perks up!  I am definitely missing my girls and my husband but so thankful to be able to be here with Addie, taking care of her!! I have gotten quite a few dirty looks from her and haven't heard too many "I love you so much" but I know she does, it just hurts too bad to tell me... Poor baby!!! 
This too shall past!! And before too long I won't be able to get her to stop talking or eating :) 
Prayers please!!!

She can't suck on her paci because her mouth is so sore... But there is no chance she is letting it out of her sight!