Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Big Day

We are in the car and on our way to Iowa City for Addie's MRI.  There are a lot of nerves circulating the car but we are hopeful that once again we will receive positive news about Addie's cancer.  God has been so good to us throughout treatment, praise Him!! 

Addie gets better everyday, yesterday she really started to perk up.... Lots more smiles!! I miss that smile and spunk but when it returns boy does it feel good!!! Her counts were checked yesterday and everything is low!! She is getting a blood transfusion today following her scan.  The biggest prayer with that is that the antibiotic is taking care of her UTI, with no immune system her body can't fight anything!  Please God fight it for her!  I pray we caught everything in time and she will be able to remain home and fever free! 

Funny story if you all don't mind a little TMI... Addie as we all know is incredibly stubborn, which I am so thankful for (most days)! :) She hasn't gone poo for over a week and I told the nurse that yesterday.  I have been giving her medicine with no success so the Dr. said we would have to stay overnight today to receive some medicine that would definitely get the job done!!  I told Little Miss that and in no more than ten minutes she was in the bathroom going!!! Yay, praise the Lord!!!  
On a more serious note... Prayers in this area would be nice for her!  She has struggled with constipation since infancy and it can be quite painful for her, which explains why she avoids it!

Lots to pray for as always... Biggest thing today and right now is that her scans show improvement, miraculous improvement!!! A tumor so small they have to hunt for it in the scans, so small perhaps surgery won't even be needed!! Please pray that treatment is continuing to kill this awful cancer!! Pray that surgery is minimal with few risks and complications!! And last but not least please pray that her infection is gone and we are in the clear with all of that!! Pray her counts rise quickly!

Please Lord continue to shield and protect my baby from this torturous treatment!! Gracious God heal her... Please kill every cell in her body and let her be free from all of this!!  Please give us all positive attitudes and help us to keep our eyes directed at You!!! 

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