Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Addie Bean

I thought rather than start off by saying what we are doing and where we are at with things, I would start by telling you all the WONDERFUL things about Addie Bean...
She is definitely our spunky, wild woman of the three Brenden Girls.  She has from day one had her own very distinct and independent personality. She is such a lover... I am told at least 30 times a day, "Momma, I love you so much!"  I don't think a mother can ever get tired of those words.  She then follows it by... all the way to the sky and reaches as high as she can.  She loves her sisters, SO MUCH.  I think her favorite thing in the world, next to her Mommy, are her sisters, she LOVES her Daddy too, we can't forget about him.  She loves to play and just be around her sisters.  This round of chemo her and I went on our own for the first two days, I didn't really see her eyes light up until her two sisters walked in the door Saturday morning.  She was like a new woman!!  She asked me probably 10x's per day when were Sissy, Daddy and Emma coming?!  
She is demanding... VERY demanding and incredibly particular.  She wants what she wants immediately and it had better be the way she wants it.  For instance, the other day she was demanding her milk and she said, "Mommy, no me like my milk cold, no me like my milk hot, me like my milk WARM!"  and you had better believe she will send that milk back until it is the exact temperature she requires.  AND she will only drink Hansen's milk, nothing else!
She is obsessed with her PACI and her blankie, they are with us at all times!! She understands that pacis are for babies but doesn't care, she likes it and it is here to stay! 
She gets obsessed with things, food, movies, activities, songs, and just about anything that you can obsess over!  Her current obsessions:
Food... fish sticks, applesauce, corn dogs, HuHot, roll-ups, eggo waffles and just the other day it was ONLY brownies and cheese crackers!  
Movies... naughty witch movies she calls them, Snow White, Mirror Mirror, Sleeping Beauty, she can't wait to watch Maleficient when it comes out on DVD.  Prior to this it was naughty monkey movies  :)
Activities... Playgrounds, being outside in general, and riding her bike.  Listening to her headphones and singing, VERY loudly.  
Songs... (no judgements please) WiggleWiggle, Sugar, Laurie Berkner, Kesha, Justin Bieber Baby and Beauty and a Beast (in her words) and those are just a few.  She has her own playlist :)

Every night she requests to sleep with me.  She says, "Daddy you sleep on couch, Sissy you sleep on couch, my sleep in Mommy's bed, Mommy sleep in her bed and Emma sleep in Mommy's bed."  The second we are in bed together she wants a story, not any story, a VERY specific story about... Three little girls, Gracie, Addie and Emma, CandyLand and naughty monkeys :)  I have told stories about these subjects at least 50 times, I have begged for different topics, but NO such luck!!

She is perfect!! I wouldn't change anything about our little Naughty Nancy other than her health of course!!  She is definitely our naughtiest but I suppose we have to cut her some slack considering what she is going through... We are definitely going to be in trouble when this is all over, yikes is she going to be WILD :)

Our little piglet... Up 2 pounds from her starting weight!! WOOT WOOT!! I let her eat when she wants and whatever she wants!

She requested HuHot the other day for lunch... she finished her plate and her sisters!

She loves her cousins!

This is what I have been seeing a lot of, her two favorite pass times... EATING and SINGING!  Mom and Dad, the headphones are a very popular item around here!

HOME is great... better than great, AMAZING!  She is doing wonderful.  As I have said previously, if it weren't for her haircut, you would have NO idea this little miss was sick!  I am so faithful that she will be HEALED and she will be a beautiful young woman someday.  I can't imagine or even allow myself to think of it going anyother way.  Our God is good and we have to trust in Him!!  I thank God everyday, multiple times a day for the life I am living right now and these three beautiful girls that He has given me!!  Praise Jesus!

And Hallelujah, Sammy saw another BUCK!! WOOT WOOT, I think we are up to three of them and that doesn't include the two that other people saw while with her!


  1. So glad to hear she is doing fantastic. Have been praying this round would go well. May God continue to hold Addie Bean and all of you in his loving arms. My love to all of you.

  2. Oh Mandie, I just love this post!! I can totally relate with my little Caden. He is also three and VERY demanding :). I feel like you took these stories right out of my everyday life....haha. Maybe it's their age or maybe it's the middle child factor, but he is my naughtiest as well.

    Even though I haven't talked to you in years you truly inspire me to be a better Mother! We continue to pray for your sweet little Addie! - Heidi Dunlay

  3. Loved to read all about Addie! Such a sweet post! We continue to pray for Addie's complete healing! Megan B.
